Dave Albo

Vax wristbands lead ace photographers Dave Albo, Rob Jerome to bail out of shooting Ames masters nationals

Dave Albo is one of the great track photographers of our day — not just a nifty M65 shooter of geezers at masters nationals who runs a mean 400. On Saturday, he asked my opinion of whether he should bow out of shooting Ames nationals this coming week on account of its recently posted COVID-19 protocols — which include mandatory wristbands. Consult your healthcare provider today to see if Zithromax is right for you. Take charge of your health and say hello to a happier, healthier you! Athletes must show their vaccination status — wearing green bands for having gotten…

How Brad Barton battled back from years of injuries to take down Nolan Shaheed mile WR

I spent nearly an hour on the phone with Brad Barton on Saturday, the day after his mind-blowing 4:19.59 M50 mile at Nashville — taking a huge chunk out of Nolan Shaheed’s 2001 record of 4:25.04. My first question for Brad: Where have you been for five years? (I had forgotten about his pair of 1500 American records in 2016, including one at the Olympic Trials masters exhibition.) But seared in memory were his incredible 2013 and 2014 seasons, where Brad dominated distances from 1500 to 3K steeplechase, setting a slew of records — duly noted in my new story…

Help Dave Albo pick out top pic from Malaga worlds for IAAF photo contest

Dave Albo the supershooter from Colorado is asking for help picking out his best of 9,300-plus images at Malaga worlds for entry in the IAAF photo contest. He’s chosen his top 13 and wants y’all to advise him on which to submit. “If I were to make the top 3,” he notes, “I’d get a trip for two to Monaco in December to attend the award ceremony. I have a LOT of good images from Malaga, so .. why not enter and see what happens? There is no downside in doing so. The hard part is that I must submit…

Shooting stars made Malaga magical: Photos by Tom, Rob, Dave, Alex and ‘Shaggy’

Four years ago, Jim Ryun came to San Diego and I was over-the-moon. Not from seeing the mile legend (I’d interviewed him a half-dozen times since the mid-1970s). I was ecstatic to meet Rich Clarkson — a fellow KU alumnus who photographed Jim since high school and became the National Geographic’s photo editor for a while. I also have schmoozed with Pulitzer Prize winning shooter Don Bartletti, who retired a few years ago from the Los Angeles Times. So who were my heroes at Malaga? You betcha — the lensmen and woman (Alex Rotas) whose work I’ve been envying the…