Jeff Brower, our USATF masters webmaster and records czar, is working hard behind the scenes to freshen up our official website. It hasn’t been publicly unveiled (until now), but its WordPress theme (aka design) is adapted by masters media maestro (aka MMM) Sandy Lee Triolo “in collaboration with Jovette Jolicoeur,” says the site, which can be seen here. The old design — full of ancient HTML affectations and overly busy graphically — doesn’t do justice to our hip vibe.
WordPress also allows Jeff (and anyone else with the password) to easily update a page. The old site required coding chops. But WordPress is on the cusp of changing its editing interface soon, so I hope our webmasters catch up with that version. (It’s called Gutenberg, and some folks are excited.)
As long as we’re on the topic, what would you like to add or change? Me? I’d like to see a WordPress plug-in for photos. (For now, they merely have a page of gallery links.)

Depending on your browser settings, the old site is either too busy or too confusing. Simple is better.
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New, improved site went live today: