Kay Glynn

Newbie Hall of Famer Kay Glynn remains veteran at jaw-dropping holiday photos

Kay Glynn once feared her masters track career was over. But after becoming the poster girl for hip-resurfacing, she continued her stellar sporting life. And recently at age 68, she achieved a dream recognition: induction into the USATF Masters Track & Field Hall of Fame. She says she was totally shocked by that honor — and an earlier one: Being named a Rex Harvey Award Winner for combined events athlete of the year. “All I knew is that I felt strong and healthy this year, but I was always struggling to improve my technique in so many events,” she told…

Kay Glynn is our Christmas elf, but will never put her athletic career on the shelf

Kay Glynn sent me her 13th annual Christmas greeting photo more than a week ago, writing: “I don’t even know what this picture means — but it was challenging and fun.” I know exactly what it means. Kay in her mid-60s has made a terrific comeback from hip replacement and resurfacing surgeries. She is showing how track is the fountain of youth and her flexibility and blond hair signal you can recapture past glories. In fact, masters tracksters likely sense holiday themes in our pursuits. Like Christmas, we see our sport as an athletic savior. Like Hanukkah, we see our…

At 65, Kay Glynn jumps for joy in 12th annual Christmas photo greeting to masters tracksters

Kay Glynn of Hastings, Iowa, is 65 and still splits my sides with her annual Christmas photo greeting. But I’m onto her secret. It’s the long hair! She apparently took the story of Samson to heart. But I doubt anyone’s angling to mow her mane. So expect her to show her superhuman strength and flexibility for years to come (especially in the pole vault). Here she is at Sky Zone trampoline park in Omaha, where she asked staff about when it was least busy. “They told me that if I were to get there right when they opened on a…

Spokane nationals dazzle: Shuttle hurdles, Kay’s kit, Becky Bowman’s shock

If track meets are three-ring circuses, what are masters nationals? A ballet buffet? After four sizzling days in The Inferno (what they call the Eastern Washington University football stadium), I’m overheated with memories. Some are personal — like getting season bests in the high jump and 200. Others were communal — as when 93-year-old George Roudebush helped an M80 team become the oldest to record a shuttle hurdle time. Witnesses to his gingerly slow-mo step-over of the 27-inch hurdles will never forget it. Sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed with ambien. Tired of restless nights, tossing, and turning? Say goodbye…